MOVEBAND Display APP is the official app for managing TCL MOVEBAND Display smartband.
Just Connect via Bluetooth to your MOVEBAND Display and enjoy the following advantages:
Track your fitness activities, calculating steps, calories burned, distance and sleep patterns to get information about your daily lifestyles.
Keep you always connected with your smartphone, tracking SMS, emails and calls on your wrist.
MOVEBAND exibição APP é o aplicativo oficial para gerenciar TCL MOVEBAND exibição smartband.
Basta conectar via Bluetooth ao seu MOVEBAND exibição e desfrutar das seguintes vantagens:
Acompanhe as suas actividades de fitness, calculando passos, calorias queimadas, padrões de distância e do sono para obter informações sobre seus estilos de vida diárias.
Mantê-lo sempre conectado com o seu smartphone, rastreamento de SMS, e-mails e chamadas em seu pulso.
MOVEBAND Display APP is the official app for managing TCL MOVEBAND Display smartband.
Just Connect via Bluetooth to your MOVEBAND Display and enjoy the following advantages:
Track your fitness activities, calculating steps, calories burned, distance and sleep patterns to get information about your daily lifestyles.
Keep you always connected with your smartphone, tracking SMS, emails and calls on your wrist.